Construction Compliance (SWPPP)
Stormwater pollution prevention during construction activities is an important aspect of both watershed protection and stormwater compliance on the Stanford University campus.

Construction activities have the potential to negatively impact water quality through not only erosion and sediment transport, but also release of construction materials to the environment via rainfall runoff or wind. Some construction materials, if not properly protected from wind and rain, can affect the pH of runoff and potentially the receiving water.
Best management practices (BMPs) can be implemented throughout and at different phases of construction to reduce negative impacts to water quality. BMPs are selected during erosion control planning and preparation of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs). Projects that disturb over 1 acre are required to obtain coverage under the General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction and Land Disturbance Activities (Construction General Permit).
The Water Planning & Stewardship (WP&S) team supports construction stormwater compliance across campus through:

- Education to campus groups and staff about stormwater pollution prevention principles
- Working with project managers, project engineers, and project consultants to determine required permit coverage
- Reviewing and certifying permit registration documents (PRDs) and SWPPPs in the Storm Water Multiple Application and Report Tracking System (SMARTS) system to ensure consistency and accuracy
- Assisting with BMP selection and application
- Performing inspections and providing recommendations for improvements of BMPs for compliance and protection of local surface waters
- Facilitating communication and inspections with regulators and project staff
Construction Compliance
2009 Construction General Permit Fact Sheet and FAQs
2022 Construction General Permit Fact Sheet and FAQs
Construction General Permit Technical Bulletin (pH, Final Stabilization)
Construction Pollution Prevention Best Practices Poster
Special Conditions for Water Discharge Management and Environmental Pollution Prevention