Fact Sheets and More
See below for more resources on water efficiency at Stanford.
General Resources
Indoor Conservation

- Top Performing Water Fixtures
- Fix a Leak Week 2016: Toilet Edition
- Fact Sheet: Water-Mizers for Steam Sterilizers at Stanford
- Fact Sheet: Large Washing Equipment Retrofit and Reverse Osmosis Wastewater Reuse at School of Medicine
- Fact Sheet: Dishwasher Water and Energy Monitoring at Wilbur Kitchen
- Class: Water Conservation Tips and Tricks (April 2021) Slides Handout
Faculty / Staff Housing
Water Conservation Projects Across Campus
Stanford’s Water Efficiency program has been aggressively pursuing water conservation since 2001. The success of the Program is demonstrated by a 48% reduction in domestic water use from Fiscal Year 2001 to 2020, even as campus facilities grew by 3 million square feet.

Water Mizers for Autoclaves
14 new water mizers were installed on autoclaves in Gilbert Hall in 2014.
Saved over 2.5 million gallons in the first year, a reduction of over 70%

Irrigation Equipment Upgrade
In 2015, R&DE received a joint rebate of approximately $360,000 from Valley Water and Stanford Utilities to upgrade 90 irrigation controllers to weather-based models, install 70 flow sensors and master valves, and replace over 20,000 sprinkler heads and nozzles.
Reduced water use by over 33 million gallons or 46% compared to 2013